Sunday, September 18, 2011


The descendants of Noah all spoke a single language. As they increased in number and began to spread eastward, they found a fertile area called Shinar and settled there. They decided to build a city with a tower that "reached to the heavens." They wanted the tower to be a proud monument to themselves and a symbol that would keep them united as a powerful people.
However, God was not so pleased. He came down and looked at the city and tower and said,
If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other. (NIV, Genesis 11:6-7)
So God made the people speak many different languages so they could not work together on building the city and tower. The He scattered the people around the world and the city was abandoned. The city was called "Babel" because God confused their languages.

What can we learn from this?
The more comfortable human beings become, the less they think of God. Back when their parents were still alive, everything was very simple. Everyone lived in the ark and remembered God all the same. Not too long after, God gave them comfortable lives. There were no floods, no punishments and no reminders; so they began to feel they were great. Don't let it happen to you, try to help others as much as you can and remember that if you have a confortable life it is because God's will. So try to understand more the people who are not like you.

God blesses you !!!!

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