Friday, October 7, 2011

Second Part

Time Management (second part);

Hello Dear All,

Here again now with the second part of what I have started some days before let's see...

16. Look ahead in your month and try and anticipate what is going to happen so you can better

schedule your time.

17. Try rewarding yourself when you get things done as you had planned, especially the

important ones.

18. Do FIRST things FIRST.

19. Have confidence in yourself and in your judgement of priorities and stick to them not

matter what.

20.When you catch yourself procrastinating-ask yourself what am I avoiding?

21. Start with the most difficult parts of projects, then either the worst is done or you may find

you don'thave to do all the other small tasks.

22. Catch yourself when you are involved in unproductive projects and stop as soon as you can

23. Find time to concentrate on high priority items or activities.

24. Concentrate on one thing at a time.

25. Put your effort in areas that provide long term benefits.

26. Push yourself and be persistent,especially when you know you are doing well.

27. Think on paper when possible-it makes it easier to review and revise.

28. Be sure and set deadlines for yourself whenever is possible.

29. Delegate responsibilities whenever possible.

30. Ask for advice when needed.

Hope all these ideas help you to be more organized and pleased with whatever you manage to get but avoid getting frustrated if it doesn't work at first just keep trying soon after that

you will see the benefits and would be surprised of yourselves.


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